लोविंग माय Family
Loving My Family
As I continue to grow as a wife and a mother, I am realizing more and more that the greatest thing I can offer my children is love, nuturing (i.e. comfort), and humility as a parent. It seems so much of the stuff out there is getting children to come in line, first time obedience and all the other retoric. I sure don't see this as the way God handles us. If it were, I for one, would be long over due to be struck by lighting. Isaiah says, "He, (Jesus), shall lead his flock like a shepherd and the shall gather his lambs into his arms." Hebrews says, it is his KINDNESS that leads to repentance". That is what I want to pass on to my children. I do not think it is being "doctrinally" correct, whatever that means, or just being the perfect, consistant mother that is going to get my children to love and follow God. I believe it is going to be by ME loving God and loving them.It is interesting that Jesus said the world would know we are his disciples by our LOVE for one another. Shouldn't that begin in our own homes. For me, often my frustration as a mother as been that my agenda was not being met. Unconditional love was overshadowed by My idealism. I found myself, more that I would like to admit, laying down arbritary "laws" because somebody else said it was the "godly" way to be. One example I can think of right off the bat, is going to bed early and rising early. Other examples are the concept of "daily devotions" or the hour prayer time, or praying in a certain order so that God would hear me....the list could go on. However, as my desire increases to know God for MYSELF, without the filter of someone else's interpretation, I am finding alot of the "stuff" falling away. As a result, I am loving my family more, enjoying my children more and finally settling into an "unforced rhythm of grace" that I have so long for and preached to myself for years.As I serve my husband and children true joy comes. My children are not my "agenda". They are membersof the body of Christ, that I can serve with love. I owe not man anything, but love, beginning with my family!! This is one account I don't want to be in debt to!!
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